
Sunday, January 3, 2021

Alexis - My new friend

Last year has been a year of many firsts for me.One of them is me taking up to drive my car, Alexis.
I had been a long time user of office cab and never tried to drive vehicle to work as my office is about 30kms away from my home.  Weekends were reserved for unwinding and never thought of doing anything which needed energy.
Lack of desire and circumstances ensured that I completely lost touch of using any vehicle be it two wheeler or a four wheeler.
Ola, Uber made it totally unnecessary to drive. Except for the times when the ride was cancelled for no reason, I hardly had any issues with me not driving..
However, I had this intense cramps every now and then when I felt dependency on cabs or My husband MM due to my not driving. Also, Whenever I saw ladies behind the steering my heart cried and I could hear it shout " if they are able to do it.. Why can't you do.. What's the fuss here?" 
I had all my hope clinging on to how soon driverless or autonomous cars becomes a reality in India.
I knew all the techniques, I had a licence since long - only thing that I lacked was resolution.
The time came which was last year, when I said to myself -  it's now or never . One day I decided to take the car out on my own. My husband also agreed to put "L" sticker on the car, which was a big change for him.
I made friend with my car whom I named as Alexis (My favourite character from Schitt's Creek).She, like a very dear friend suported me, gave me courage and confidence.
Now I am a regular driver. It's been a great personal journey and a big leap for me that happened mostly in my mind. This transformation was due to support and blessings of my Gurumandala.. My Thanks to all my Gurus.
गुरुभ्यों नमः 🙏

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