
Thursday, January 7, 2021

Story of Brothers - Vai's Stories

I love telling and listening to stories. My daughter YoungMM and my nice LittleM are both my audiences and made me a better storyteller.

This is a story of two brothers which I have heard in my childhood. This is one of my favorite stories even today. 

In the village, there were two brothers. Manja was the elder one, the smarter one and Nanja was the younger and rather dumb. Their father left them 3 possessions. one a cow, two a coconut tree, and a thick blanket or kambali (ಕಂಬಳಿ). 

Manja told Nanja that it should be divided between both of them. Nanja who trusted and respected his brother readily agreed.

Both of them agreed that the front of the cow belonged to Nanja and the back part belonged to Manja.

The bottom of the coconut tree went to Nanja and the top went to Manja.

The blanket to remain with Nanja in the morning and later it would go to Manja in the night.

The sun went down, it was dark all around and chill, Nanja was shivering with cold while Manja was warm and cozy with the blanket. When it turned morning Nanja thought it was a hard night, so let me milk the cow and drink it. When he went to the cow with a vessel to milk he was shocked to see that Manja was milking the cow and said that it was his part and not to touch it. Nanja felt at loss and with a dull face started to climb the coconut tree for some tender coconuts. Manja started shouting and calling Nanja to get down. Nanja asked him for the reason while clinging to the tree. Manja reminded him that the top half of the coconut tree was his and so Nanja cannot use it. This made Nanja really sad and he felt cheated. 

Nanja was disgusted by now and ran to the old temple near the rear end of the village. There lived an old wise man. He cried his heart out to this man who heard him all and gave him some tips.

Again sun went down, it was dark all around and chill, Nanja was shivering. Manja looked around for the blanket and when he did not find it asked his brother Nanja. Nanja showed him the blanket which was in a corner damp and wet. Manja got too angry looking at it and He shouted at Nanja for wetting it. But Manja was cool and says that he wanted to wash it so it's wet! He also reminds him that during the morning blanket is his and hence he can do anything with it. 

Manja was hardly able to sleep in the night, soon after the sunrise, he runs to milk the cow. Nanja was already there with a big stick hitting the cow as hard as he can. Now Manja gets too angry and tells Nanja to stop. But he doesn't and reminds him that the front of the cow is his and he can do anything with it.

This makes Manja go mad and he goes climbing the coconut tree for some tender coconuts. Nanja comes with an axe and starts hitting the tree. Manja gets frightened and starts shouting and calling Nanja to stop. But Nanja continues and reminds Manja that the bottom half of the coconut tree was his and so he can do whatever he wants. 

At this point, Manja understands that his brother is trying to teach him a lesson. Manja pleads for forgiveness from his brother and agrees to share things with Nanja. Nanja forgives Manja and both of them live together amicably for a long time.

Talking points with kids - Talk to someone when you are upset. Do not trust blindly. To avoid trouble be fair.

1 comment:

Artistic Rendition - DP to Portrait

Two of my friends did my portrait at the same time without my knowledge from my Whatsapp DP! That was a pleasant surprise! I felt terrific! ...