
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Random Records - Story of Face Mask - Discomfort to Comfort and vice versa!

It happened about ten years back! I had a colleague who was also commuting a long distance with me on the office shuttle. He was super allergic to the pollution in Bangalore and was in persistent cold throughout the year. As per his doctor’s advice, he started to wear a Face mask during the commute. Firstly, in those days the face masks that were available for general use were not aesthetically good. Secondly, people were not used to seeing people wearing face masks outside of hospitals. Bus mates thought it was usual. Some were very amused by his face mask also sort of made fun of him and thought it is like using a sword in place of a needle. Some got awkward to sit next to him. The discomfort was mutual for my colleague as well as for others.

2020 surely reversed this situation! Now it awkward, offensive, and of course unsafe if someone does not wear a face mask.

I had two such experiences this week. In a Doctor's clinic, A lady was sitting with her helmet on. This looked strange but the fact was that she had forgotten her face mask at home, and this was her only alternative. Else she was not allowed to walk in!

I went for a 'just in time' shopping to a nearby shop in my two-wheeler. Since it was close-by I did not use a Helmet, but I had forgotten my face mask as well! I did not want to go back home, so I used the cloth bag as a handheld face mask while walking to the shop with much discomfort avoiding stares from other people and security.  Alas! the security caught me and asked me to wear the face mask. He let me in only when I convinced him that I will buy one at the shop and wear it there.

I bought one immediately in the store and wore it in a jiffy. That is when all around me felt comfortable!  what a change in perception!

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