
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Life Hack Series : 21 Days Challenge - A Magic Wand

I always felt the 21 Days Challenge is overrated till I tried it myself. In 2020, I ventured into a number of 21 Days challenges and to my surprise, it worked like a Magic

As I started with WFH, very soon the days lost their structure. The rhythm it had all these years just vanished into thin air! Phew! Waking up was anytime before 8. Breakfast was almost 11am. Lunch at 3pm, dinner by 10 pm, and sleep by 12 pm.
  • My rendezvous with Akshar Yoga triggered my first ever 21 Day Challenge. I was ready by 8am to practice Yoga along with Grand Master Akshar through FB Live. I never realized when the 21 Days got over since Yoga is part of my morning routine.
  • I had a long-standing desire of taking up driving. Again it was the 21 Days Challenge that pulled this wish to reality. 
  • I am very lazy by nature. Of late I had to rise early for catching the office cab at 6:30am. With the lockdown and WFH, this practice drifted. As I had felt the morning bliss, I wanted to get back to this practice. Hence resorted to the 21 Days Challenge again and now I am up before sunrise daily.
Today I complete yet another 21 Days Challenge - that's Blogging. I have written blog posts for straight 21 days. Isn't it amazing!

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