
Monday, January 18, 2021

Learnings with LittleMM - The Charisma of Ramayana & Mahabharatha

Often it comes to mind that whether Mahabharatha and Ramayana did it really happen? If it has not really happened then why it is so much popular and still alive in this geography and in our culture.  I contemplate about it every now and then.

I read a lot of stories to my daughter LIttle MM. Little Golden Books, The Berenstain Bears which had nice illustrations. Dr.Seuss - Cat in the Hat books which had books based on age, etc etc.  These books had a lot of information as well as they taught values to the kids. I would read a story and then we will discuss the value which is brought out in the story till we sleep off. However, advice from one of the educationalists struck me. He said reading books for children is good and to teach values we should always read the stories from Ramayana and Mahabharatha since it is time tested and will always remain so.

This is when I picked up to read these classics myself. I read Ramayana and Mahabharatha by C. Rajagopalachari long years ago. Though we buy and give away many books these books are always there on our bookshelves! Later on, I also read other and retold versions as well. The charisma of reading and rereading is enigmatic. 
Every time I read, I discover a new thing, a new question arises, a new thought springs up...Well, this may be the reason why so many writers have gone back and retold these stories... as books and movies. The concepts, values, predicaments, emotions which come out here are Universal and valid even today even though it happened thousands of years back!

That's why there is a saying that -  there is everything in Mahabhartatha that can happen in the world and anything that can happen in the world, is found in Mahabharatha.

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